iker casillas herzinfarkt video

Members of Madrid's coaching staff, including former Los Blancos legend Fernando Hierro, are giving him specific games and seasons to recall and Casillas is able to name the result and even those who were on the scoresheet. Telegram Real Madrid president pays tribute to Iker Casillas following retirement from football – video Of course not every day was a good one and like many saints, Casillas became a victim of persecution. He joined the club as a 9-year-old and went on to play 725 times in a wonderful 16-year stint in the Santiago Bernabeu first-team.Josh is a sports journalist who specialises in football and wrestling. (Source: File) Spain’s World Cup-winning captain and goalkeeper Iker Casillas announced his retirement from the professional game at the age of 39 on Tuesday..

Here, we look back at his accomplishments.

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He provides coverage of professional wrestling and has interviewed some of the biggest names in the field - including the first UK interview with The Hardy Boyz after their return to WWE. Having suffered a heart attack just over a year ago, After hanging up his gloves, Casillas is now expected to return to his beloved Real Madrid as an advisor.

Iker Casillas has called time on his decorated career but he leaves with a whole host of wonderful memories from the beautiful game. © The 39-year-old Casillas was MADRID-— Former Spain and Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas officially announced the end of his playing days on Tuesday, more than a year after his last match. He has never sported a pair of Lonsdale Slip-ons, contrary to reports.Chelsea's New Starting XI Compared to Frank Lampard's First Game As ManagerVictor Lindelof Saves Elderly Woman From Thief Stealing Her BagBarcelona To Terminate Luis Suarez's Contract In The Coming Days The legendary goalkeeper won a total of 24 trophies, including five And in addition to all the pictures and medals the In a 2014 video on Real Madrid's YouTube channel, Casillas demonstrates a remarkable ability to remember all the details from games he has played in.

You can find a detailed description of how we use your data in our By clicking on the "Accept & Close" button, you provide your explicit consent to the processing of your data to achieve the above goal.You can withdraw your consent using the method specified in the One of football’s most successful goalkeepers, with both Real Madrid and the Spanish national team, is saying goodbye to his sports career more than a year after suffering a heart attack.Former Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas has announced on Twitter that he's retiring from professional football.Lo importante es el camino que recorres y la gente que te acompaña, no el destino al que te lleva, porque eso con trabajo y esfuerzo, llega solo y creo que puedo decir, sin dudar, que ha sido el camino y el destino soñado Real Madrid FC has also expressed admiration for a player who played in 725 competitive matches for them during 16 seasons between 1999 and 2015.On 15 June, Casillas stated he would not run for the presidency of the Spanish football federation, saying that he changed his mind due to "the exceptional social, economic, and health situation that our country is suffering". He has been published by Curzon Ashton FC, Late Tackle, Manchester City FC, The Mirror, Read Man City and Manchester Evening News.

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