emotional lability

They can also be completely unrelated to your current emotional state. The specific pathophysiology involved in this frequently debilitating condition is still under investigation; the primary pathogenic mechanisms of PBA remain controversial. There are basically two investigations a doctor may practice to recognize an individual with the Emotional Lability: Advertisement.

One hypothesis, established by early researchers such as Wilson and Oppenheim, placed emphasis on the role of the corticobulbar pathways in modulating emotional expression in a top-down model, and theorized that PBA occurs when bilateral lesions in the descending corticobulbar tractcause failure of voluntary control of emotion, which leads t… Being labile unsteady or subject to quick change emotionally tends to suggest the presence … ), being around others exhibiting strong emotions, very sad or funny situations (such as jokes, movies, certain stories or books), death of a loved one, or other situations that elicit stress or strong emotions. All rights reserved. It tends to affect people with preexisting neurological conditions or injuries.While the symptoms of emotional lability seem psychological, they’re actually a result of changes to the part of your brain that’s responsible for emotional control.The main symptoms of emotional lability are uncontrollable outbursts of crying or laughing. short emotional outbursts that don’t last for more than a few minutes These emotions are unrelated to … Emotional lability is seen or reported in various conditions including Children who display a high degree of emotional lability generally have low frustration tolerance and frequent crying spells or tantrums.Potential triggers of emotional lability may be: excessive tiredness, stress or anxiety, over-stimulated senses (too much noise, being in large crowds, etc. Emotional lability is a neurological condition that causes uncontrollable laughing or crying, often at inappropriate times. If you have permanent brain damage from a stroke, you may continue to have outbursts for the rest of your life. Although antidepressants can alleviate the symptoms of emotional lability, they aren't approved by the FDA to treat the condition. The person suffering from this condition has bouts of uncontrollable laughter, jolts of anger, and spells of crying. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. These very strong emotions are sometimes expressed in a way that is greater than the person’s emotions. However, over time, you may be able to identify things that trigger your outbursts or come up with ways to distract yourself when you feel one coming on.If your episodes start to cause you a lot of stress, medication may also help. However, if it causes significant stress, certain medications can help to reduce the severity and frequency of your outbursts.

While these experiences are common, regular occurrence of emotional displays that are disproportionate to what is occurring, also called emotional lability, is not that usual. All rights reserved. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This can make the condition much more manageable and less destructive in social situations.Medications often used to treat emotional lability include:Nuedexta is currently the only medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to specifically treat emotional lability. These outbursts are usually an exaggerated or inappropriately intense emotional reaction. When a drug is used to treat a condition it hasn't received FDA approval for, it's known as off-label drug usage.Living with emotional lability can be frustrating, especially if it makes it hard for you to participate in social situations or those close to you don’t understand your condition.Here are a few tips for coping with emotional lability:The long-term outlook for people with emotional lability depends on the underlying cause. Emotional Lability or Emotional Incontinence means a neurologic disorder and its characteristics are sudden uncontrollable and unintentional crying or laughing or other uncontrollable emotional outbursts. In medicine and psychology, emotional lability is a sign or symptom typified by exaggerated changes in mood or affect in quick succession. On occasion a person gets a fit of the giggles or finds himself crying over something that isnt very sad; worse yet, anger can fly out of control if people do not understand how to keep it check.

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